They say diamonds are a girls best friend. Personally, I say flowers are. For starters they are much less expensive thus making them more attainable on a daily basis. Not to mention, are WAY more colorful! I have rarely had flowers actually delivered to me. In fact, I can count on my right hand how many times. I’m not a shy person but getting flowers delivered is quite the attention grabber, and surprisingly not my favorite kind of attention! My first memory of having flowers delivered was from my dad(my sweet dad??), he probably doesn’t even remember. I was in the third grade, Mrs. Loux’s class to be exact. It was Valentine’s Day and I will never forget those flowers being walked into the classroom and my name being called. They were beautiful. And RED. And so was my face! Haha. My face to this day still turns a horribly bright shade of red when I get embarrassed. I definitely squished those flowers right into my book bag and went home and told my dad never to send me flowers again! Well-he never did(tear). It’s funny because there was a time in my twenties and sadly single, I would have given anything for my dad to send me flowers. Funny how we change. For the record, my mom got flowers delivered that day too?. Where do you get your flower fix?!?!! Trader Joe’s is my florist. $5.99 and they stay alive for a week!!! No joke. I did not get my grandmothers gene of the green thumb either! Flowers change a room and a mood! Yup-A Girls Best Friend???.