Twee Blog

Breastfeeding-The Truth

The dreaded breastfeeding……Breastfeeding is always something I said I planned to do.  My mom nursed my two brothers and I and for some reason I just always assumed I would do it.  To be honest, in my mind it seemed like it was something that was very easy, natural, and would just happen.  In fact, Dusko and I skipped our breastfeeding class before Max was born.  Ha!  That joke was definitely on us or me I should say.  Motherhood is definitely something I didn’t have a true vision of until I became a mom, but nursing was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  This is for a few reasons:

+It is P A I N F U L

+It is A 24 HOUR job

+The F E A R of the Unknown



To say breastfeeding is painful is an understatement.  Have you ever had someone cut into one of the most sensitive parts of your body and continue to do it???  Probably not, because that just wouldn’t make sense.  Here are my tips for the first week of nursing.

  1.  Lanolin or some kind of nipple cream, make sure to find one that is safe for baby.  I used the Medela lanolin and although it gave me relief there are a lot of better ones out there.  The hospital gave me this one in a time of need!
  2. Warm washcloths, especially if this is your second or third or fourth.  The milk comes in a lot faster and these help with engorgement.  Basically use as a heat compress for approximately one min before nursing.
  3. Pineapple juice-Buy all natural with no added sugars and bring it in your hospital bag! This one I read about on pinterest in a desperate need to feel better.   It either really worked or the timing was there but it’s worth trying in my book.  Pineapple is a natural anti-oxidant so it helps with swelling.
  4. Make sure you have a good, supportive, nursing bra.  This was something the first time around I didn’t think was important-wrong!  Some of my favorites are actually from target.

24 H O U R job

  1.  Baby is attached to mom pretty much ALL the time for the first couple of weeks. The doctors and nurses will tell you to wake the baby every couple of hours to make sure he/she eats.  In a nutshell, I thought I knew what it was like to feel exhausted.  Well, I didn’t….now I do, and I understand the term-Mombie!  lol
  2. Unless you pump, which is truly a hard task when baby already wants you every second, you are pretty much the only one that can feed them.  Thus the exhaustion…
  3. Leaving the house for more than a couple hours at time is honestly a real challenge.  But girl, you deserve it!!!  So leave the hubs at home with the baby or children and go to starbucks, or target, or whatever you fancy.

F E A R of the Unknown

  1.  Is baby eating enough?  This is always one of the first questions a mom will ask.  Sometimes it can take days for your milk to come in.  Since I am absolutely not a professional, what I have been told is that as long as they are going to the bathroom they are getting something!  And apparently colostrum(what the baby is eating before your milk comes in) is the most magical stuff ever and carries so many nutrients!
  2. Is the pain every going to go away?  Yes, yes, my friend, it will, I promise.
  3. Will I ever sleep again?  Yup!  not sure how soon as each babe is special and unique in their own way but you will sleep again.  Infact, when you start sleeping again, you will miss those special moments when no one else was awake but you and the babe!


I could literally talk about nursing for HOURS and HOURS, so look forward to some posts in the future, but for now, Have a good week!







So why don’t you blog about it?!!!

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The idea of becoming a blogger has always seemed so appealing to me as I’m already always on Instagram, I love fashion and trends, and I’m a shopaholic. I took a stab at it about a year ago and quite honestly got pretty bored with it very quickly. Lack of content being a major factor. It occurred to me recently that the reason I got bored is that I was fighting what was right in front of me-Motherhood. I LOVE being a mom but didn’t think that Instagram loved me being a mom. The cold hard truth-I am a mom and it is my life, so what do I care what Instagram thinks? Surviving life one day at a time is hard enough with 2 kids under 2, you might as well look and feel great while doing it. Seriously there are days when I’m not sure I’ll make it out alive until my husband gets home in 30 mins, and there are days that simply fly by. My blog, TWEE is here for all moms to feel inspired to look and feel great everyday. I’m here to help you reinvent your momiform one pair of leggings at a time!


The Magic of Disney

Ahhhh!  Where has the time gone. I really thought I’d be better at this blogging thing. Ha. Wrong!  We went to Vegas and then Florida, I’m back so hope to start up with my blog a bit more!

I think the day I found out I was pregnant, Dusko, my husband, was like, YES!  We can go to Disneyworld!!!  I cringed. The thought of ALL the people, strollers, public restrooms, the Florida heat. The amount of money it costs to go to the biggest money pit in the world!!!  The list goes on. Well, fast forward to February in Chicago, I really needed an escape to somewhere warm, anywhere with sunshine. So naturally when I found out my parents would be in Florida, I told Dusko we can go and we will stop at Disney first!!  Woo Hoo!  Really I’m thinking our son is 10 months old and this is so dumb-he won’t remember any of it!!!  But it worked!  We booked our Florida Adventure. #maxexploresflorida

All of a sudden I found myself getting excited to see the Big Mouse. Off to The Magic Kindgom we went!  And I have to say, I don’t care how old you are there is something magical about that place. It’s so clean, a little vintage now, and just magical???!

 As we walked through the park, Maxwell was just in awe looking at everything, and I was reminiscing about my childhood-the trips I had taken to Disney!  One of my favorite trips to Disney, I was in 7th grade???  Megan correct me if you choose!  I can’t remember all the details. We walked around that place like we owned it. Ha!  I think that trip was on the top of my mind because Megan’s father and mother took us. Her father passed away unexpectedly not too long ago. He was a great man full of knowledge and wisdom!

I’m not sure what Dusko was thinking as we strolled through but he was definitely geeked out about Max meeting the characters. Turns out this was fun too!  He screamed so much when he met most of them, especially Mickey!  Turns out it was kind of cute to have someone throw their arms and cry that they want you so badly. It was kind of a sweet mom moment, to know that they just want you.

I’m a shopper, so naturally we had to get in costume too!  Vintage Mickey ears for the boys, and Minnie ears for mom!  Minnie was always my favorite as a child. I guess because I’m a girl and she wears a polka dot dress!!!  That’s pretty awesome. About 5.5 hours into our adventures, it stated pouring rain. In Florida. Turns out it was time to go home anyways!  I’m really glad we went and if you are on the fence just because you child is so young. It’s still fun for mom and dad!  Definitely a trip I will cherish

  for a lifetime ❤️❤️❤️.


 You guys, when your 31 year old brother calls you because he found out you are now responsible for the Lamb cake for Easter and he NEEDS a picture. You know it’s a Tradition!  I have two younger brothers, Jordan 31, and MacKenzie 24(he will kill me if he actually reads this-he definitely goes by Mack and has since kindergarten because apparently in the 90’s MacKenzie was a girl name. Lol).  Jordan now resides in Truckee,CA near Lake Tahoe, so he and his family of four don’t make it to every holiday. At any rate, apparently Jordan was talking about the ever so famous Lamb cake at work. Too funny. Although my little lamb, who looks like she is Hawaiian is quite funny. I sent that text with extreme pride!  This was NOT the easy task I expected. Infact, thank god for Pinterest.  

I happened to stumble upon this link when I was looking for decorating tips. And oh my!  I started making the lamb Saturday morning around 8am, just incase she fell over. If you plan to make a lamb cake-it’s a MUST read!  

Two years ago at my wedding shower my cousin Valerie thought it would be funny to “will” down the vintage lamb mold. I laughed it off with a smile until the first Easter came and I got a text asking if I was Infact making the lamb cake. Eek!  The mold was in storage as we were in the process of moving. Well, no such luck this year. 

Turns out I impressed myself. Thank god for buttering the sh*t out of it and my lovely grandma for suggesting I use Mayer lemon pound cake instead of regular. Guess what?!?!?!  For the first time in all the years of Lamb cake at the Vitallo household, that big blue plate was EMPTY!  Success. So, anyways, TRADITIONS!  


May we raise them ❤️

We all love our moms, or at least I hope we do. So in honor of International Woman’s Day, I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone that I would choose to write about my mom and how she has inspired me to be the person I am today.

I could write a million stories about my mom and the things she has done for me personally, however this comment I am about to share with you struck a chord. Last Friday I was at a gathering where I saw some women I hadn’t seen in years. My mom wasn’t in attendance, but she somehow got brought up. Perhaps for her keen sense of fashion or her vacation she was leaving for the next day. I’m not really sure. I was too busy talking to hear the whole story!!! Haha. At any rate, one of the women who had previously worked with my mom said to another woman, “have you met Alissa’s mom? She is one of the most selfless and giving people I have ever met. Both of her parents are, they are awesome.” I mean I know I have always thought my mom is amazing but when you hear someone say it that is merely an aquaintance at this point of life, you feel pretty darn honored to be her daughter. Just as an example, my mom once covered a leave at the grade school in the small town I’m from. The woman had breast cancer(I believe), a 4 month old, and needed to take time off to get her chemo treatments. At the end of the leave, my mom donated her entire paycheck for the time she covered her classroom to the woman. I don’t care how much money you have or don’t have in this world, it takes a pretty special person to donate their time and money to anyone. This is just one example that came to mind when I decided to write about my mom. To be honest, the school asked to interview her regarding her donation and she politely declined. It wasn’t about her, it wasn’t about giving the money, it was about the woman getting better and having the financials to pay for all of her medical care.

So today when I saw this quote everyone was posting, “here’s to strong women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.” I felt inspired, inspired to share this story about my mom. She sure did raise my 2 brothers and I, and if I turn out to be half of the mother she is I will consider it a SUCCESS!

Parenting for Dummies

“So, do you have any other children? Is he your first?” The walk in clinic doctor asks Dusko and I.

YES, Dr. D, he is our first, YES we have been to the doctor 4 times in 5 days(did I just openly admit that?!?!), and YES we are first time parents. But seriously thank you for bringing a semi chuckle to my face that horrible Sunday morning at 7am.

Maxwell was sick this past week and quite honestly I felt completely helpless. This little precious being is in so much pain and there is little to nothing you can do to help him. I mean isn’t there a guide or a manual I can read???? Why is parenting one of the single handed most important jobs, yet one of the only jobs without an instruction manual???? I know, I know, every child is different. I get that and I also get that my friend Google is great when looking for a dress I saw someone wearing that I just have to have, however, not my friend when my child is sick. Ugh. It took everything in me NOT to google anything regarding Maxwell this week. I really do for the most part try not to google much regarding him. His first few days of existence, Google made me this crazy ball of anxiety I didn’t know could ever exist. I am definitely no doctor and for sure not a pediatrician, but I will say that mother’s instinct/women’s intuition, it’s crazy but she does kick in when you need her most. At any rate-The struggle is Real. Very Real. Per Dr. D, I’m fairly confident the second child won’t cause as much anxiety! Haha.

Dress Up

“Playing dress up begins at age 5 and never truly ends!” -Kate Spade

I heard this quote recently, of course I’ve heard it before but it hit home a little more with me this time. I’ve always liked this quote but quite honestly I don’t really like to play dress up! Ironic? I think in this rushed world we live in, “playing dress up” simply takes too much time. Or maybe it’s that I always think I need something brand spanking new. Maybe a little of both. At any rate, I left my full time job recently to be a SAHM(stay at home mom), the most under-rated Job in the world. I can say this because I’ve now seen both sides, maybe even judged a time or two. I mean this is a safe zone, right???? In between feedings, 67 diaper changes a day, nap time, play time, work outs, Instagram, and everything else, I’ve found myself with a little more down time….just a smudge. I’m sure it’s because my commute to work is a lot shorter!!! I’m saving like 10 hours of my life per week. My mom came over the other day, God bless my mother for many reasons but the woman CANNOT sit down!!! So my one window of opportunity where Max was sleeping and I could possibly relax turned into a “lets go through your closet” session. All of a sudden she’s trying everything on and this quote pops in my head! I’m thinking, she actually loves to dress up still, it almost felt like we were kids again playing dress up. Finding outfits for potential events and swapping items out. So naturally I join in. I’ve had serious FOMO(fear of missing out) my whole life. My poor little 8 month old has it now. Lol yup-he really does! It was SO much FUN though!!! I paired outfits together that I wouldn’t even have tried on, ever, they would have possibly been dust collectors in my new “walk-in” closet. I quote the walk-in because it’s hardly a walk-in and simply not big enough!!! I think it’s kind of comparable to the saying the more you make, the more you spend? The bigger the closet, the less room??? Right?? I have never been one to set out my clothes the night before(only exception-first day of school every year). I just wake up, think about what’s in my closet, and let my mood decipher what I’ll wear on any given day. This trusty method has worked so far! But I’m thinking this new game of dress up is a game changer! Maybe even a wallet saver?!?! Probably not. Ha! At any rate, I’m ready for this Midwestern weather to change to Spring for good so I can shine bright in this new found wardrobe of mine???

A Girls Best Friend

They say diamonds are a girls best friend. Personally, I say flowers are. For starters they are much less expensive thus making them more attainable on a daily basis. Not to mention, are WAY more colorful!  I have rarely had flowers actually delivered to me. In fact, I can count on my right hand how many times. I’m not a shy person but getting flowers delivered is quite the attention grabber, and surprisingly not my favorite kind of attention!  My first memory of having flowers delivered was from my dad(my sweet dad??), he probably doesn’t even remember. I was in the third grade, Mrs. Loux’s class to be exact. It was Valentine’s Day and I will never forget those flowers being walked into the classroom and my name being called. They were beautiful. And RED. And so was my face!  Haha. My face to this day still turns a horribly bright shade of red when I get embarrassed. I definitely squished those flowers right into my book bag and went home and told my dad never to send me flowers again!  Well-he never did(tear). It’s funny because there was a time in my twenties and sadly single, I would have given anything for my dad to send me flowers. Funny how we change. For the record, my mom got flowers delivered that day too?. Where do you get your flower fix?!?!!  Trader Joe’s is my florist. $5.99 and they stay alive for a week!!!  No joke.  I did not get my grandmothers gene of the green thumb either!    Flowers change a room and a mood!  Yup-A Girls Best Friend???.  


To Gender Reveal or Not?!?!

So this wasn’t the topic I was going to write about today but that damn timehop app gets me all nostalgic. A year ago tomorrow was our big gender reveal party. The party I always said I would NEVER have. Ha! Never say never. I’m pretty sure my mom always told me that?. Why did we do it you ask??? Maybe the pregnancy hormones made me crazy? But really, we thought about waiting until the baby was born to find out the gender. Well we all knew that wasn’t going to happen!!! My husband is basically Inspector Gadget, spy camera and all, and I CANNOT handle surprises. So we thought why not have one of those gender reveal parties, but we will only invite our parents, siblings, and grandparents. After all, I do like to throw a good party???. Personally, I think there is a fine line on who actually cares if you are having a boy or a girl. At any rate, we went to our 20 week ultrasound, had the tech put the gender in a SEALED envelope, and brought it to Sweet Mandy B’s(one of the best bakeries in Chicago). It took everything in me to not look in that envelope. Besides the day I got engaged, I’m not sure I have ever really been surprised. I mean my parents got creative hiding Christmas presents but I always found them(sorry mom). Of course I couldn’t stop with just a gender reveal cake, so we had to pop a balloon with confetti in it. Which meant I had to order blue and pink confetti(the confetti bar has the CuTeSt confetti). We then brought the stupid envelope to party city and had them fill a black balloon with confetti. That balloon sat, well floated in our living room for TWO days until the party!!!! Lone and behold I had the shock of my life….it’s a BOY! What?!?!? I was 100% sure I was having a girl, I mean she already had a name!!! I’m still laughing at myself now. Good thing we had a party! I probably would have bought all pink just because my crazy pregnant a** thought it was a girl!! Really though, coming from the girl who said she would never do this-I’m so glad we did! Even my grandpa(who does not attend all events) and I’m pretty sure only came for the Portillos spread we were serving said how cool it was!

So, to gender reveal or not?!?! I’m not one to tell people what to do, all I’m saying is, it was pretty cool after all!

The Lucky Seven

For those of you that know me, you know my obsession with jewelry is no joke! These 7 pieces of jewelry have the absolute most meaning to me and ironically have all come into my life in the past 3 years. Crazy how when you turn 30 you think your life is over, yet mine was only just beginning!

1-My engagement ring, obviously!!! Not only did my husband do a great job picking it out, the story behind it and our proposal are what really get me?. Without boring you with too many details, he asked my dad(thank god), brought my mom and dad with to show them the ring he picked out(not that they would have swayed him otherwise), and surprised me on so many levels the day he proposed. I’ll save these details for a later post! Little did I know, this day was the first day of the rest of my life.

2-My grandmothers ring-let me just preface that I am one of 14 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren, and 4 aunts. There was a lot of competition in getting this ring! I joke, I joke. My grandma always said she was going to give me this ring, and about 18 months ago she did. In perfect health she told ME she wanted ME to have it. I don’t think I have ever felt the love so much. My grandma wore this ring Every. Single. Day. If I tell the story correctly, my grandpa bought it for her off of QVC! Who knew?!?! Good job Gramps! I only wear it on special occasions, in fear of losing a stone. Eek!

3-Nana’s locket, Nana was my great grandmother. I was fortunate enough to have both sets of grandparents and 2 great grandmothers most of my life. She passed away a couple of years ago at 99. She had Alzheimer’s, if you aren’t familiar with this disease Pray that you never have to be. It is a horrible thing to endure. At any rate, Nana’s locket just so happens to be rose gold. Go Nana! She was trendy before her time! And the best part of this adorable locket is that it has the original pictures she put in it. Herself and my great grandfather-Walter(whom I never got to meet).

4-Wedding Bells??. My diamond necklace from the hubs the day of our wedding! It’s gorgeous and unique. I definitely need to be dressed up for this number. Again, he fooled me! He knows my love for designer handbags, so surely I thought he would go to LV! Nope-diamonds are a girls best friend.

5-My diamond studs??. My parents shocked me on my wedding day with these diamonds. They just so happen to be from every girls dream store-Tiffany & Co. Probably the only 2 diamonds I will ever own from Tiffanys! And I am just fine with that.

6-My Maxwell necklace. Maxwell is my now 8 month old son. Days after giving birth I knew I needed something to wear around my neck showing I was an extra proud mommy! In all my night time feeding Instagram searches I found this beautiful 14k gold necklace from Lola James Jewelry. Such a great everyday piece.

7-My Stella & Dot Utopia necklace! Although this is the last of my 7 sentimental pieces of jewelry it is really just the beginning of something new. This was the piece of jewelry that I first bought when I decided to become a Stella & Dot stylist 7 months ago. This has allowed me to stay home with Maxwell and make additional income for our little family. Not to mention, keeps me sane from changing diapers and singing Old McDonald. Don’t get me wrong, there are days I thank god for Old McDonald. But a woman needs her space too! Shop it here:

What’s your most sentimental piece of jewelry?!?!