Twee Blog

Find your Tribe, Love them hard

I’m not even sure where to begin with this post, I feel like it’s been a long time in the making.

Motherhood is a roller coaster of emotions, where hormones are the downhills because we just don’t have control of them!!!  When I had Max 2 1/2 years ago, I went back to work for 4 months, that was when I decided I needed to stay home with him. At the time I was a general manager for Athleta(hence my love for all things Athleta), so I worked through December as it’s obviously the busiest time in retail. I knew adjusting to being a stay at home Mom was going to be a huge change for me, especially in January. The single most depressing month in Illinois!  And might I mention we had just moved to a new city where we really only had a couple of friends.

One of my last nights working, I was assisting a customer in the fitting room. She was telling me about a workout group she attends that she could bring her daughter with her. A lightbulb went off in my head, duh. This is my answer, this woman of whom I couldn’t point out in a crowd just saved my life!  The next morning Max and I attended our first workout class at Fit4mom Geneva/St. Charles.  I will never forget my first class, it was something unlike anything I had ever experienced. I found myself doing squats and burpees to Humpty Dumpty. It was the cheesiest, yet coolest thing ever. I got a bit of “me” time but didn’t feel the guilt of dumping Max off somewhere.  Bonus: they offer playgroup after class and Mom’s Night Out once a month!  YES!

This was my village, I found my tribe👯❤

These 2 pics are from some of our very first classes!

The picture below was after a play group, we made jewelry and clearly Maxwell didn’t like it!  Lol


Max and I recently hit our 2 year Fit4mom anniversary so I guess it’s making me a little more sentimental than normal. But there really is something special about this village/group of ladies.  Not to mention, there’s a meal train so if you have a baby, simply feeling stressed, or a hard time. The village gets together and provides meals for each other. Seriously amazing. I remember when I had Emerson, we took 6 weeks off from working out and when we came back it was so welcoming. Everyone really cares about each other.

One of my favorite parts of each class is that the instructor asks a question of the day.  This is awesome for a couple of reasons:

1-It helps you get to know each other, and

2-If you haven’t had any adult interaction, here you go!

Some are fun, like today’s Question, “Who was your first celebrity crush?”

Mine was obviously Jordan from NKOTB!

And some are more practical, like, “what’s your go to dinner?”  This is so helpful to get different ideas.

You also realize you aren’t alone on this roller coaster of motherhood!!!  That is for sure!

Below are a few pics from some of my favorite Mom’s Night Out events!

Yoga & brews at Penrose

Wine Tasting at Galena cellars

Bowling with the men in our lives!

Since today is Valentine’s Day and we had the CUTEST class ever, plus the most fun play group, Here are a bunch of pics!

Today, I am G R A T E F U L for this Village ❤!

Check out a class in your area, the first one is always free!  Do you have a tribe or a village?  Have you ever tried a class like this?  Would love for you to comment below!



*This post is not sponsored, these are all my own opinions*

Recent Amazon Finds!

Hey Guys!  I thought since we have been trapped inside and I haven’t really been able to get to the store to do a Fit Day, Fri-DAY!!!  I linked a bunch of my recent FAVORITES from Amazon!  They are super random items but LOVE them or I wouldn’t be sharing them!!!

This belt is definitely my newest and most exciting find, Gucci inspired and Cheap!

My Phone Case I get asked where I bought this on the regular!

This swim Suit is my most liked picture EVER on Instagram!  It’s so mom friendly and cute, comfy, and casual!  My Quay Sunnies are big, but that’s what I like about them!!!  My exact pair is sold out, but I think I want these next!  And never underestimate the Tory Burch Miller Sandal, especially in this tan!



This Palm Print Swimsuit which is a major fail as a wanna be blogger, I can’t for the life of me find a picture of me in it!!!  What the what?!?!  Trust me, its worth the near $20!

This Marquee Lightbox I use it in Emerson’s room on her shelf and then for all of her month pics!  Which are almost done, so sad.  I can’t believe she is basically one!!!!

And my recent Fav, Nutpods!

If you haven’t tried them and are looking for an alternative to dairy, they will be your saving grace for coffee in the mornings!  So smooth & creamy.

So, I guess this was kind of a Fit Day, Fri-DAY!  Except it’s already Saturday!  Haha, mom life!



My Journey to A Safer Lifestyle

“No, I wouldn’t suggest using that. Your skin is your largest organ. It absorbs everything.”  -my midwife I had when I was pregnant with Max.  This was in reference to using sunless tanning lotion while pregnant. Because, obviously if I was feeling fat, being tan would make me feel way better, right?  Well, I have only used sunless tanning lotion one time since then. It’s been 3 years and that is saying a lot from a recovering tan towel aholic. I have to be completely honest, I think I knew all of those lotions had to be bad for me. They would literally make me sweat profusely. Not to mention, Amanda, I am SO sorry I was that tan and gross in your wedding 🤣. Ugh, that also reminds me-tanning beds. How was that even a thing?  I mean, baking in between two sheets of lamps????

Real life: My first time in a tanning bed I freaked and got out because:

A-I was chlostrophobic and

B-I thought the plexi glass was going to shatter and I would burn to death. I probably wasn’t that far off, those things were bad. Very bad.

If you have read this far, thanks for stopping by!

Back to my point, I guess the gist of my Journey to A Safer Lifestyle is that once I had kids it wasn’t just about me anymore. I want to be around as long as I can for them and if that means changing what I can control than I am going to do the best I can!  Is it realistic to download the ewg app and throw everything away and replace it all immediately?  Probably not for the majority of society. Mainly for financial reasons.

Some of the things I have switched are:

1-Makeup & Skincare. If you have ever tried Beautycounter you will understand why. The products are top notch, I mean founded in Santa Monica, classy, classy ladies❤.

Let me just ask you this?  If you knew that most of the cosmetics and skincare you were using today had Questionable ingredients that almost all other countries ban besides the USA, would you keep using the products?  Me either. Beautycounter has banned over 1500 ingredients that they consider potentially harmful. It’s called the Never List, check it out here.

2-Household Cleaners, I pretty much just use Norwex cloths and some of their cleaners.  I have always had a sensitivity to these chemicals so this was a no brainer for me.  But, again, I never wanted to clean the bathrooms when Max was little because I didn’t want him smelling and licking it!!!

3-Perfume, ugh  This one was going to be hard I thought.  I was the girl that wore multiple perfumes just because I loved scents!  I was wrong, once I just stopped wearing it I actually stopped even caring.  Infant, after 3 years of no perfume, I have finally added all of my old bottles to my garage sale pile!  Check out this article on how bad fragrance is and the lack of regulation here.

So, here I am, just a girl trying to lead a safer lifestyle for myself & my family❤.

Have any of you switched out something you consider to be potentially harmful ingredients?  Would love to hear about it!

Please comment below!




*Disclaimer: These are all my personal opinions & viewpoints, although I think my skin has never looked better!

Fit Day, Fri-Day! Loft Try on Session

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Loft isn’t always a store that I have shopped at before but I definitely ALWAYS find cute things!!!  Emme and I went this morning while Max was at school and did a try on session.  These were my favorite items!  Everything is linked directly to the item.  I didn’t end up buying anything today which is super odd because I liked everything!!  But they had 40% off tops, not sweaters and almost everything was a sweater!  Online there is currently $50 off a $100 purchase, and free shipping over $75!  So , duh!  Shop online!  (wore a size medium across the board)

This Boatneck Sweater is super comfy, not too thick and comes in 4 colors.  I took a close up of the small boatneck detail that makes it a little bit different than your normal sweater.  I also love the longer in the back part because I do wear leggings a lot!  Shop it here!  Was wearing my Scupltek jeans from Athleta, shop them here

I LOVE me some stripes, especially when they have a little extra detail.  Like the neck and sleeves, also love that its red stripes, and February!  See how it opens up at the wrist!

Shop it here

These jeans I changed into are loft, and was very happy with the amount of stretch, and rips!  Shop them here Size 8 for reference


This top is SO much cuter on than expected!!!  I love the sleeves, a little tiny bit statement and the cute floral print that peeps out at the bottom!  Shop it here

Lou & Grey is such a great addition to LOFT.  For those of you that don’t know about it, it’s basically an athleisure department at LOFT.  This sweatshirt is a dream for me, it has statement sleeves, is navy stripes, and has a hood.  Also like the cropped detail!  Shop it here

This adorbs Heart Sweater is also Lou & Grey, I mean, who wouldn’t want this for February!?!?!?  I like the shorter sweater and the cropped sleeves, was a little bit itchy.  Must have some wool in it.  Shop it here

Saved the best for last with this adorable combo!  This long sleeve tee is Lou & Grey, fits tighter than I expected.  Of course love that it says-LOVE!  This was in the back of the store, when I saw it I immediately pictured it with this scarf so had to run back up front to grab it!  Perfect V-day outfit!

Shop the top here

and scarf here

Coming from a retail background, I would rate this shopping experience a 9!  They are always super helpful here and read customer cues on if you need them or not.  Maybe they work on comission, not sure!?!?!

Happy Fit Day, Fri-Day!




Engraved Watches: A timeless gift this Valentine’s Day!

Looking for that perfect Valentine’s Day gift?  Aren’t we all!  I know for me personally, Dusko always really thinks about gifts and what he is buying for me.  This of course puts a lot more pressure on me!!!!  haha.  This year, I knew I wanted to find something extra special.  Something from myself and the kids that I knew he could wear or use all the time.  When I found Jord Watches, I knew it was the EXACT gift I was looking for!!!!  Jord watches are unique, personal, and quite frankly-perfect Valentine’s Day gifts!

Here is the link to the watch I chose, it is the Hyde Collection in Ebony & Iron!

Dusko has always loved to wear watches, we are always on time….literally!!!  Fun fact, we are usually early.  When I found Jord Watches and how cool and unique they are that they are made of wood I knew Jord was the watch I should go with.  Read all about the wood watches HERE!

We always say I love you to our kids(obviously), but Maxwell always responds with, “I love you so much Mama or Tata.”  Melt my heart, right?!?!?  That is why I chose to engrave that on the back of Dusko’s watch.  It just has such a personalized touch to it.  What dad wouldn’t want that!  PSA: Tata means dad in serbian.

I am in LOVE with this gift and am so excited that one of you LUCKY readers will win a $100 gift card towards one of your own Jord Watches!  Wether its for you or a gift, all entrants will receive a 10% off coupon.

Enter my JORD giveaway HERE

Happy Valentine’s Day!





Thank you Jord for sponsoring this post.  All opinions are 100% my own.

One Chaotic Mess

I make my bed everyday, do you?  Ok, there have been a few days in my adult life I haven’t and before I was married I definitely didn’t always.  As I sit here on the eve of Thanksgiving, I want to share with you why I now make my bed Every.  Single.  Day.  I know some of you moms are thinking, SHE is cRaZy.  I, however, feel less crazy when I make my bed.

I figure if something that takes me approximately 90 seconds can make me have a better day, than lets do it!  For example:  today, I didn’t make my bed first thing(this is a rarity).  Naturally, Everything that could be chaotic with 2 kids under 2 happened.  From Maxwell knocking his sister over on multiple occasions to straight screaming just because Emerson was “looking” at Mickey Mouse.  LOL, this is true.  She was watching the TV with him and today he couldn’t take it.  So I put Emme down for her morning nap and told Max we were going to make Mommy and Daddy’s bed.  I immediately felt better.  Even though I have a rolling to do list to prepare before tomorrows Thanksgiving feast of 20 people at OUR house.  I felt better that our bed was MADE!

Maybe it’s because that is where you start and end your day?  Your sanctuary?  Idk, either way, if you aren’t a bed maker, you should really take it for a test run!












Holiday Gift Guide

So basically this Gift Guide is my Christmas List!  haha, jk…but for real, I want it ALL!!!!  And GREAT news, everything except 2 items are UNDER $50!!!  And the 2 items that aren’t, I am VERY confident you can get on SALE!

Beautycounter’s Poppy Lip Duo, I mean is this Limited Edition Texas Poppy even a question?!?!?!? For $38 you get a lip sheer and a gloss.  BONUS, they smell like peppermint for the holidays❤️.

Anthropologie’s Updated Gold and White Monogram coffee mug!  I mean, C O F F E E is life?  Right!?!?!?  Hint, hint: If you are invited to my holiday party you just might be receiving one!

This Charlotte Pendant Duo from Stella & Dot is a MUST gift or get (yourself) this Holiday season!  It comes in other colors but I am loving this neutral shade.

Who doesn’t love wine, and a festive glass just adds the cherry on TOP!  I love the mixing of metals and really these scream holiday gathering or New Years Eve, etc!

So, the secrets out on these velvet mules….I already OWN them and LOVE them.  My girl Lauren Conrad designed them for Kohl’s.  They are comfortable and adorable!

Sequin Crossbody:  This Mermaid Sequin pattern is something you will start to see everywhere if you haven’t already!  It is so fun, trendy, dressy, festive, you name it!  I LOVE this not so expensive version from F21.  Being a stay at home mom, I don’t love to spend a lot of money on something that I know I may only use once or twice, so here you go!

Faux Fur:  OMG, Old Navy Style R I G H T here!!!  I used to work for old navy for 10 years, so it will always have a place in my heart.  I mean, don’t count on it for the quality, but for a trendy holiday piece!  YES!!!

Love your MELON: I LOVE to wear hats of all kinds, but especially winter hats, they are so practical!  If you don’t already know, Love your melon gives a beanie to a child with cancer everytime they sell a hat.  Hat’s off to them!  That’s amazing:)

Off the Shoulder Holiday Top: First of all, this top is only $12.99, so you better click this link REAL fast!  Even if you never wear it, who cares?  lol, really you should wear it!  But thanks to H&M for making fashion affordable!


Happy Shopping Friends!  Hoping to keep posting fun gift guides over the next couple of months, so comment below and let me know if you like them!







Washington D.C. in 24 Hours

Ideal?  I think not.  Fun?  Most definitely!  One of my favorite things about Dusko and I’s relationship is that is has always been based on being very sporadic/spur of the moment.  This has absolutely changed since we have children and is not the most practical way to live life.  Dusko recently mentioned he had to go to Baltimore for work and would have to be there on a sunday since they start at 8am Monday.  He had an idea-Let me tell you, the man has GREAT ideas!  Usually better than mine.  lol.  At any rate, that is how I ended up in the nations capital for one day.

Our agenda:

(after lots of fb recommendations and searches)

8:45am-Land at DCA

10am-Arlington National Cemetery

This came recommended by almost everyone and I am SO glad we went here.  It is just beautiful and leaves you mesmerized by the lives that have been lost fighting for this country.  Make sure you watch the changing of the guards at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  It’s quite cool to see that the USA still does something like this.  I mean there is literally a soldier that stands there ALL hours of the day, EVERYDAY of the year.


So awesome here, the shopper in me wanted to park and just walk the tree lined streets of unique boutiques but knowing we had so much to squeeze in I just couldn’t!  So we went to the harbor and had lunch at Farmers Fishers Bakers.  Would highly recommend this, the brunch buffet was the best buffet I’ve ever had.



2pm-Check into Hotel

The Kimpton Hotel Palomar, it was cute, trendy, perfect for one night but I wouldn’t suggest this hotel.  I have stayed at quite a few other Kimpton properties and this just didn’t seem to be at the same level.  Good location though and that is what was important to us.


2:30pm-Walk to the White House

This was probably my favorite part of our visit.  I am 36 years old and have never been to Washington D.C., so to see the White House in person was pretty cool.  It was way smaller looking than I had expected.  There was also a TON of caution tape blocking the street so you can’t even stand right by the fence.  We actually thought for a minute that maybe there was a different view of it because of it being blocked.  When we were there we actually saw Trump(I still can’t believe he is our president) land in his helicopter which was also pretty cool.

3pm-Washington Monument

This monument stands so tall that it really is awesome just to look at.  We spent quite a bit of time walking around here and just enjoying the scenery as it was a beautiful day!


4pm-W Hotel-Washington

We came for the alcohol!  lol, really though, the hotel is steps from the White House, so we went to the rooftop bar for a drink.  The view from up there is something everyone should see!

5:30pm-Find Graffiti wall full of hearts

I thought Dusko was going to kill me, we got in an uber to find this wall full of graffiti hearts that I just had to take pictures in front of.  Of course we had the wrong address and our uber driver had no clue what I was talking about.  Good news, we ran into a nice family that the daughter knew exactly what we were looking for!!!

Jackpot:  the wall just so happens to be outside of a super cute and trendy market-Union Market.  Do yourself a favor and visit the market!  You feel like a local and the food venues are delicious!

7pm-National’s Game

For those of you that know us, did you think we were going to head to Washington D.C. and not go to a sporting event?!?!?  Really this is what Dusko’s idea was about me heading to DC with him!  lol, I obviously turned it into us prancing around this awesome city!  At any rate, no baseball stadium will ever top Wrigley Field in my book but I do enjoy visiting them!  And hot dogs/beer are a nice bonus.


Some people may think we are crazy, but this was such a fun 24 hours with my husband!  No diapers to change, no strollers to grab, just running around exploring!  Don’t think about it, just do it!






Disclamer:  there were a TON of other things we wanted to see and do, but for 24 hours this fulfilled both of us!


The Easiest and Cutest Treat-Oreo Pops


Oreo Pops are my go to treat!  They are so stinking easy and just adorable.  I started making them when cake pops first became popular.  See, the thing is, I love to decorate things but I HATE baking!  After many different google and pinterest searches for Cake pops I determined the process of making them was just too lengthy for someone like me.  Thus, I found a picture of cake pops once for my annual ornament party and now have made them multiple times for different holidays and events!

What you will need:

Double Stuffed Oreos

Treat Sticks(I always use wilton simply because they are easy to find)

Wilton candy melts(you can of course use any kind of chocolate but I usually need colors)

Decor of any kind

clear treat bags for packaging individually

cute ties for packaging

Aluminum foil or parchment paper


STEP 1-Prep

Cover your countertop with aluminum foil or parchment paper.  Separate the Oreos, I usually twist them to open.  Warning:  you will end up breaking a few, I usually feed those to my husband.


STEP 2-Oreo Pop Assembly

Place the treat stick in the center of the Oreo side that has all of the creamy goodness, then place the other side of the Oreo on top.  This makes the actual Oreo pop, see how much easier this is than Cake pops!!!  I have at times used frosting to help keep the oreos together once the stick is inside.  They usually stay together just fine once the chocolate covers them anyways but if you are a perfectionist use the frosting as glue!

STEP 3-Melting the Candy Melts

I have wasted so much in the past because its so easy to over cook chocolate. FOLLOW the directions on the bag-trust me.  Basically, heat the chocolate on defrost for 60 seconds, then 30 second intervals after.  It usually doesn’t take longer than a minute.

STEP 4-Dip the Oreos

This pretty much speaks for itself.  Dip the Oreos into the candy melts, this is my favorite part because your product is really coming to life here.  Set each one back onto the aluminum foil or parchment paper, decorate with whatever you would like.

STEP 5-Let them cool

STEP 6-Package

Wrap them up in little baggies or whatever packaging.  I love this step because they end up looking so professional.  For this particular round of oreo pops, I used a mini bail of hay to hold them up because they are pumpkins!  Such a fun little centerpiece.


My take on Whole 30

Ahhhh, Whole 30…So I shall mention before you read this that I am a Whole 30 graduate.  So I kind of have a love/hate with Whole 30.  I first heard about it when I was pregnant, insert chuckle, obviously the timing was definitely off on that one.  I had zero interest in it then and didn’t think I ever really would.  Fast forward to my third trimester with Emerson(my second child), I found out I had gestational diabetes(save these details for a later date).  I obviously decided it was time to start caring what I was putting into my body again.  I was approximately 6 weeks post partum when I knew it was time to take charge.  For those of you un familiar with Whole 30, in a nutshell you don’t eat anything processed and NO dairy!  Try to do that in 2017, not exactly an easy task.  We live in a world where everyone is in such a hurry and to eat well, it’s hard to be in a hurry.  I have a great situation for eating better because I am home everyday and I knew this, which is another reason I knew it was time to take charge.  I also need everyone to know I was a dairy junkie.  I used half & half in my coffee every morning and afternoon, as well as added cheese to almost everything!!!  Here is a meal plan for an average day while I was in my 30 days.

Average Day

Lots of water, coffee with almond milk or nutpods(you can find them on amazon)

Breakfast: sauteed onions, potatoes, and red pepper, 2 eggs over easy, avocado(and or guacamole)

Lunch:  Kale/Spinach mix, grilled chicken, avocado, EVOO & balsamic vinegar

Dinner: Steak, Brussel sprouts with EVOO and lemon

Every day was fairly similar except sub out different meats and vegetables.


+I did not miss dairy.  I really thought I would but it turns out vegetables add so much flavor that I really didn’t care.

+I felt very satisfied when I was done eating because taking out the sugars helped me to not have cravings.

+I lost approx 12 lbs, and my huband lost 17lbs.  Overall, we both felt a ton better, no  headaches, not as tired.

+My clothes fit sooo much better


+I definitely felt like garbage the first few days as my body was ridding all of the nasty processed garbage inside of me.

+You can’t really eat out and I love to eat out.  It is an event for me, especially now that I am a stay at home mom.

+I thought I was going to turn into a chicken because I ate so many eggs. lol

+No Alcohol-although, this is the part of Whole 30 where I made my own rules!  Seriously though, this “lifestyle” is pretty strict and I couldn’t drink for 9 months while I was pregnant!


Overall, I am so glad I did this and it truly has been a lifestyle change for myself and my family.

If you are interested in a Health Coach, click here to check out my childhood friend, Natalie’s website: She is actually the one that got me started on feeling like a new person!  She also posts weekly meal plans and has great ideas!

If you are about to start your journey, Good Luck!  If you are on the fence, do it!!!

